Our Services

At Nice Touch Editing, our passion for writing and editing exudes through our work.
We exist to provide a wide range of services, including:
Proposal Writing.
Cyber Security Communications.
Print and eBook Editing.
Technical Writing.
Resume Editing & Enhancement.
Print Manuscript.
Business Writing & Editing.
College Application Essay Editing.
Undergrad & Post Grad Essay Editing.
And more!
Proposal Writing
When responding to contract procurement opportunities, attention to detail is key and one omission may disqualify your entire bid. Our veteran team of proposal writers and managers will provide you with concise and proven strategic RFP writing and proposal management services, while affording you the benefit of our tenure in this area. We work with contractors across the United States in response to federal, state, and local government procurement opportunities as well as commercial bids.
Our proposal writers will handle each aspect of your project, including:
RFP Response.
Executive Summary.
Review RFP Requirements.
Ensure Compliance is Met.
Calendar Deadlines for Punctuality.
Assign a Project Manager.
Sentence Structure.
Technical Writing
In today's business world, technology becomes more prevalent every day. As this technology is deployed, there is an underlying need to disseminate technical information and jargon in an easily digestible format. Find out how our technical writers can add value and clarity to your communication.
All Technical writing projects are edited for the following:
Easily digestible for target audience.
Tense Agreement.
Proper Spelling.
Proper Quotation Usage.
Sentence Structure.
And more!
Print Manuscript & Book Editing
Whether you're a first time author, new to the publishing process, or a seasoned novelist on your 5th manuscript, every writer seeks perfection and consistency from the prologue to the final paragraph of their story. You want your material to reflect the hard work you've put into the development of your characters, story line and underlying theme of your book. We edit content, not creativity. All edits will enhance your work without conflicting with the integrity of your creative vision. Your manuscript will be free of typos, have punctuation marks in all the right places and read smoothly for your readers. We will make your next print manuscript or eBook your best work yet!
All print and eBook manuscripts are edited for the following:
Grammar Usage.
Tense Agreement.
Proper Spelling.
Proper Quotation Usage.
Sentence Structure.
And more!
Business Writing & Editing
Whether you are just starting up a new business, or well on the road to establishing your company's brand, finding the right words to reach your customers or potential investors can be challenging. We'll polish up your website content to help you attract the right business, and write blog posts that speak to your customer's needs. The content we develop for your brochures and handouts will be convincing and to the point. We can edit the material you already have, or create something fresh so your communications are always professional and standout among the crowd.
We Provide Writing and Editing Services For the Following Business Material:
Product Descriptions.
Brochure Content.
Newsletter Content.
Internal & External Communications.
Webpage Content.
Technical Writing.
Blog Posts.
Proposal & Grant Writing.
Resume Writing.
Resume Writing & Enhancing
According to some recent studies, hiring managers spend as little as six seconds reviewing a resume before going on to the next. Assuming that you make it past the first six seconds, you will be judged by the quality of the information on your resume, the manner in which it is organized and presented, and the overall message it conveys to the hiring manager. Nice Touch Editing will develop a resume that highlights your strengths, skills and experience in as short a time as possible.
**Quality resumes are between 2 - 3 pages long**
All resumes are edited or enhanced for the following:
Grammar Usage.
Accurately aligning your experience with the role requirements.
Tense Agreement.
Sentence Structure.
Proper Spelling.
College Application Essay Editing
It's your senior year! Exciting times are ahead, as you begin to think about the amazing new experiences that await you. You're searching for that perfect university that fits your academic and social desires. The only thing standing in your way is that pesky college application essay! We take the time to understand what makes you unique and reflect those important qualities in your essay. Your submission will tell the admission officer why he/she should select you over other candidates. It will read smoothly, without typos or grammatical errors. We provide suggestions and feedback to sharpen your essay and your overall writing abilities as you move forward into college and beyond.
All college application essays are edited for the following:
Grammar Usage.
Tense Agreement.
Smooth Transition Paragraphs.
Sentence Structure.
Proper Spelling.
Accurately Answering Application Questions.
Undergraduate and Post Grad Assignment Editing
Whether you are an undergraduate writing your first essay for English 101, or you're a graduate student developing the outline for your dissertation, you want your papers to reflect all of the hard work you have put into them. We'll help you see higher scores on your schoolwork, and provide feedback and suggestions that allow you to make your writing more effective overall. Your papers will be free of typos, grammatical errors, and awkwardly phrased sentences that may detract from the great ideas that you want to convey. Your final product will showcase your understanding of the topic and show that you've put in the time and effort necessary to turn in a well thought out assignment to your professors.
All undergrad and post-grad papers are edited for the following:
Smooth Transitions.
Proper Spelling.
Proper Citation Usage.
Grammar Usage.
Sentence Structure.
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